The “CASSIODORO FRIDAYS” project was born to encourage and implement new ways of operating in the field of Cultural Heritage and Tourism using innovative multimedia and social networking tools, focusing the attention and placing Calabrian communities and territories at the center of a pilot project, involving the creation and the development of tourist and cultural routes easily accessible to anyone to break down not only the architectural barriers, but also the perceptive and sensorial ones.
The “Cassiodoro” Innovation Center (polocassiodoro.cloud) promoted by the Regione Calabria aims at helping the works of all who work in the field of culture, tourism and innovation and of all those interested in the promotion of the Calabrian territory through the use of new and innovative technologies.
They can be described as online seminars or webinars (neologism born in English as a mixed word including the areas of web meetings and seminar) seen as an educational or information session whose participation takes place remotely through an internet connection, where speakers and participants will face together a reflection on these “strange” times dictated by the current emergency, characterized by many doubts and unanswered questions.
These easy and accessible “webinar” online seminars will offer the opportunity not only to listen, but also to dialogue with the speakers and the other participants by initially using the synchronous mode, but also being made available asynchronously through the recording of the proposed events. They can be open to a large or to a reserved audience for selected audiences. Participation is only possible by filling in the registration form provided for each individual event: after which, by email, the user will receive a link to connect on the day and time of the event.
They will start on July 10 and 16, 2020 with two webinars reserved for members and associated on the themes of Internationalization and of ATS Polo Cassiodoro association. The main objective of these meetings is to introduce and present the potential, activities and projects that the Polo di Innovazione Cultura e Turismo Cassiodoro intends to implement through the learning management system platform developed for the information, communication and distance learning needs of young Calabrian, future professionals who will work in the management of the cultural, tourist and environmental heritage of this region.
Services: WEBINAR / CONFERENCES are organized as part of the activities of the Cultural and Tourism Innovation Pole of Regione Calabria – via Conti Falluc 70 / A 88100 Catanzaro
Users: Members and aggregates, local companies operating on the proposed themes and general public participants.
Speakers: experts of the matter coming primarily from selected companies, and associated or aggregated research centers.
Promotion: Polo site, local and national TV (7 Gold), You tube, facebook, instagram and other web tools.
Professional Training Credits pursuant to Presidential Decree 137/2012 on request to OO.PP. (2 professional training credits a webinar)
Participation: upon registration at segreteria@cassiodoro.it
How to participate: members will be informed by email about the specific conditions and methods of participation for each Webinar and will receive the link to the virtual classroom on the day and time of the event.
Period: Summer 2020
Servizi: Detti WEBINAR/CONFERENCES sono organizzati nell’ambito delle attività del Polo d’innovazione cultura e Turismo – Regione Calabria – via Conti Falluc 70/A 88100 Catanzaro
Utenza: Soci e aggregate, Aziende del territorio operanti sulle tematiche proposte e pubblico generale
Relatori: esperti della materia provenienti in primis dalle società, e centri di ricerca socie o aggregate
Promozione: sito del Polo, TV locali e Nazionale (la 7 Gold), You tube, facebook, instagram
Attestato: verrà rilasciato ai richiedenti un attestato di frequenza
Crediti Formativi Professionali ex DPR 137/2012 in richiesta a OO.PP. (2 cfp a webinar)
Partecipazione: previa iscrizione a segreteria@cassiodoro.it
Modalità di partecipazione: gli iscritti saranno informati via mail sulle condizioni e modalità di partecipazione specifiche per ogni Webinar e riceveranno il link all’aula virtuale il giorno e l’ora dell’evento.